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I See You



This delightful pastel painting titled "I See You" captures the essence of a little bunny with a watchful eye, carefully observing its surroundings. Conny Dempsey's unique technique of pastel underpainting combined with soft pastels brings this charming creature to life, creating an intimate moment between the viewer and the subject. The careful blend of colors and delicate mark-making reflects Conny's thoughtful and impressionistic style.


Conny Dempsey, a passionate Pastelista, draws inspiration from her memories and the world around her. Whether painting animals, children, or nostalgic moments, she finds peace in the process of applying pastel to paper, blending and underpainting to create these captivating works. With a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Visual Design and a Master of Arts in Mental Health Counseling, Conny beautifully combines her artistic talent and empathy to craft paintings that invite reflection and emotional connection.


Her work is featured in several local galleries, and her upcoming exhibit at Expressions Gallery next summer will showcase more of her stunning pieces. You can explore more of her artwork on her website,


As Van Gogh once said, “Every artist dips his brush in his own soul and paints his own nature into his pictures,” a sentiment that resonates deeply in this touching portrayal of the bunny in "I See You."


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