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Conny Dempsey


Conny Dempsey is a Pastelista who enjoys creating intimate and thoughtful impressionistic paintings. Her subject matter includes animals, still life, children, seascapes and other nostalgia memories from her past. She finds the process of applying the pastel to paper, then underpainting, blending and mark-making to be incredibly inspiring in producing the work of art and calming of the mind.


Conny’s education includes a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts specializing in Visual Design and a Master’s of Art in Mental Health Counseling. She has utilized her degrees throughout her career as an artist and counselor and enjoys helping others find beauty and answers that surround them. Ms. Dempsey is represented in several local galleries and also sells her paintings on her website, She is in the process of creating new paintings for her exhibit at Expressions Gallery next summer. Conny believes Van Gogh said it best: “Every artist dips his brush in his own soul and paints his own nature into his pictures.” Reality to the artist isn’t always reality to the viewer but opens a new way of seeing the world.

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